Nov 6, 2023Liked by Mark Oehlert

Much of our L&D lives are still hung up on that recurring notion that "we need to do better". But do we? Let's get this part out of the way: Yes, of course, we should always be striving to do better. And the digital assets or learning solutions we create should be powerful enough to chance behaviors and drive real change. Okay, now that we've dispensed with that, let's get back to reality. Compliance training exists for legal reasons. Legal issues are highly defined and detailed... lots of fine print. If a company can PROVE X, Y, Z, things, they will not be held liable for issues that would incur large financial costs. Solution: Hire person/team to do what legal doc says; no more, no less. And require that there is proof. That's all any company is concerned about. And that's why training courses are as mundane as they are. This is also why no company will spend more money to "make them better". Why would they. There is no such thing as being MORE compliant than you were before. You are compliant, or you aren't. Auditors will come in, review the documentation that proves everything is compliant. But they won't take your training course. Even if they did, they would say, "damn... that sucked...but you covered everything. You pass. See ya next year". Until the law says "prove that your training directly caused behavior change with a double blind study" you will never get your business leaders to buy a refrigerator. Small ice cubes get the job done.

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You're 100% right of course but to extend the frig analogy to the extreme...the new ones come with ice makers. So either as part of your new org-wide license with [insert LMS company here], they'll also throw in the ability to generate, on the fly, any and all compliance training you need at low or no cost. They'll do this because they built an AI agent that can work with 3rd party services and build that content almost automatically and then send it down the LMS API which will push it out through the company and will eve deploy AI-enabled chatbots to IM people to remind them to take it. Now the question again comes back to L&D, when that activity is removed, where do you then add value? (Believe me - I strongly and passionately know there is an answer but I just as passionately know we won't find it by thinking about what we do in the same way). Does that make sense?

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Mark Oehlert

Makes perfect sense. I hadn't thought that it would be the LMS vendors that would have the foresight to make this happen... and they may not... but I get your point and think that's what's freaking people out. One might think, well, AI can't go out and take video and images of unique situations, processes, equipment, etc. But then again, a SME can handle that and just upload that content and ask the AI to turn it all into a course with an interactive assessment at the end. We're doomed.

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Ha! We're only doomed if we want to keep selling buggy whips while cars take over the roads.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Mark Oehlert

Could you not sense my sarcasm there? LOL!

Actually I was probably channelling the Eeyores amongst us.

Personally, I'm all-in... just currently flying a holding pattern... not quite ready to buzz the tower 😂

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You didn't use the "/s" sarcasm tag :-)

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