Speaking my language. I wholeheartedly agree and have shared your journey. By nature, I am a super positive person. So much so, that it is likely annoying to my colleagues. I hate negativity. It is my kryptonite. I am sorry to say, I haven't worked at an organization that I believe can make the pivot you or he are proposing. I think I will know it when I see it though. I am super cynical on this point. I believe of all the corporate functions, HR is likely the furtherest behind, last ione invited to the party, yet tasked with carrying the bulk of this transformation. Something I am looking for is that high-trust, collaborative, fast-moving organization that iterates its way to greatness through thoughtful, strategice, human-centric practices. I believe they are out there. Hey, I need a poster that says "I Believe".

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I get it. Really get it. Especially about HR BUT I want to keep asking why - why is it like that? And I think the answer is the systems make em that way so we need to address the systems - that's where the secret to lasting change is...

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